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Scanner & Scale Combos

Datalogic Magellan 9800i S/S MED SAPH RS TDR EAS SEN Scanner Scale Combo

Brand: Datalogic | Model: 98210010223-063431
Datalogic Magellan 9800i S/S MED SAPH RS TDR EAS SEN Scanner Scale Combo

Datalogic Magellan 9800i S/S MED SAPH RS TDR EAS SEN Scanner Scale Combo

normally $2,995 $2,149inc.
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Datalogic Magellan 9800i, Australian Config, Med Sapphire Platter w/Fixed Produce Rail, Shelf Mount, Metric, Checkpoint EAS, Scale Sentry, Dual Display, Short (7 inch) TDR, AU Power Supply, Single RS232 Cable (TDR).

Datalogic 9800i, Australian Config, Med Sapphire Platter w/Fixed Produce Rail, Shelf Mount, Metric, Checkpoint EAS, Scale Sentry, Dual Display, Short (7 inch) TDR, AU Power Supply, Single RS232 Cable (TDR).

Targeted for high-volume retail, Magellan 9800i provides advanced digital imaging in all reading planes, resulting in seamless handling of one and two-dimensional barcodes without requiring item orientation by the cashier. In addition to spotting cumbersome barcodes, its 'Top Down Reader' allows shoppers to easily self-scan digital coupons from mobile devices, paper-based coupons, and loyalty cards.

Design of Magellan 9800i offers advancements as well, with the lower tower height of 2.7 inches reducing the barrier between the customer and cashier. Also, its large horizontal window has been ergonomically positioned for both standing and seated cashiers. Finally, an oversized 'All Weighs' scale platter handles large produce, while 'Scale Sentry' technology defines the weighing area, alerting the cashier and blocking the POS in the case of misplaced objects.

Full Imaging Bi-Optic Scanning

True 6 Sided Scanning with Top Down Scanner

No Rotating Motors or Moving Parts, Means no vibration! Less chance of failure!

Excellent Reading of Poor Quality Codes

Imaging Reader allows for sleek design

Customer facing mobile device reader allows for:

Reading 1D or 2D Loyalty codes from mobile phones

Promotional Codes

Coupons and all forms of mobile commerce

Better Customer Experience

Capture Images of Signatures or Drivers Licence for Proof of Identity

Datalogic's Patented All-Weighs Platter and Scale Sentry, reduce shrinkage!

Fits most existing scanner/scale cut outs for easy upgrade!

This product has a 12 month warranty.

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